Bluetooth not working in Spice MI 506 while playing Blobby Volleyball.

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

Using Spice MI 506 smart phone. Everything is working fine but when I downloaded Blobby Volley app in my phone and tried to play this game with my brother using Bluetooth then I am not able to connect my phone with my brother’s phone using Bluetooth. My Bluetooth device is working as I can send media content to my brother’s phone using Bluetooth. Please suggest some solution for this problem.

Answered By 590495 points N/A #186907

Bluetooth not working in Spice MI 506 while playing Blobby Volleyball.


Your Spice Mi-506 Stellar Mettle Icon Smartphone runs on Android 4.2 Jelly Bean with Bluetooth 4.0. If your phone can’t connect to your brother’s handset when playing the Blobby Volley game then you should check if both phones have compatible Bluetooth devices. But since you said you can send media files from your phone to your brother’s then both your Bluetooth connections are working.

Try doing this. Before playing the game, pair your phones first using Bluetooth so they are already connected. When both handsets are connected via Bluetooth, start the Blobby Volley app then try playing with your brother. I guess this work around should work since Bluetooth is already connected before even starting the app.

I guess you are playing an old version. Why not try on the latest version instead. Download and install Blobby Volley 2. It requires Android 2.3.3 and higher.

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