Hi experts,
My computer is now running with Windows 7 operating system. I have to collect a huge amount of bills from my client's they give me a specific date for asking payment. But it is hard to remind properly. I have tried to download bill reminder desktop gadget but it can't be downloaded. I don't understand what's the problem. In the midway of downloading it shows download is declined.
Can you help me with that?
Need help with bill reminder desktop gadget.
Dear Parkes,
Uninstall the program that you just downloaded. Click on Start -> All Programs -> Control Panel -> Programs and Features -> Select-> Delete. If the system requires rebooting your PC to completely uninstall the program then do so.
You may now download this Bill Reminder An effective software bill notification with overview of selected bills in an organized task window. This is the link: http://bill-reminder.smartcode.com/info.html. You can view the screenshot here:
Steele Ney
Need help with bill reminder desktop gadget.
Hello Parkes Heenry,
You don't need a specific bill reminder app. Any reminder app would get the job done. You could try OneNote, for instance. It's part of Microsoft Office and it's a very handy tool to have. You can take notes, add reminders, make shopping lists and more. And it also has a useful feature which allows you to sync your notes and reminders across all your mobile devices. So you might want to give OneNote a try.
If, however, you're not using Microsoft Office and you're looking for a simpler solution, you can try Sticky Notes. It's a very basic Windows app which comes preinstalled and is useful for every day notes and reminders. To access it, click on the Start button, then hover your mouse over All programs and scroll down until you find Accessories and click it. A dropdown menu will open listing all the programs in this category. Find the Sticky Notes app and click it.
There are other great solutions, of course. Like Evernote – the #1 note taking app. It's simple, it's powerful, it's beautiful and it is cross-platformed, so make sure you give that one a try, too.
Good luck!