Need help making backup using removable backup media

Asked By 90 points N/A Posted on -

I need to make a backup of my necessary files using a removable media. I have a portable HDD. How can  make back up ?

Best Answer by djthon005
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Answered By 0 points N/A #133513

Need help making backup using removable backup media


To back up your files using a portable HDD, you just need to connect your drive's data cable (probably usb or Firewire) to the device and your computer and turn the device on. Your computer will then recognize the device. Once initialized, your computer will tell you that your device driver software was successfully installed and is now ready to be used. Just like any other hard drive, your device will then show up on  the My Computer window. Click to open the device. You can just drag and drop the files that you want to be backed up to your device.

Answered By 10 points N/A #133514

Need help making backup using removable backup media



You can simply copy all of your data one by one in an external hard disk if you have enough space available to do this. The second thing is use a program to create backup of your computer. You can choose one program form the internet for such a purpose.

Smith Thompson

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