Laptop heats up quickly and shuts off while videos are run

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


My laptop always heats up immensely when we run a video and suddenly shuts off.We usually let it cool down for a while and then switch it on again.But still the laptop heats up and shuts off within half an hour. It was just purchased one year back.Nowadays this happens frequently.Please provide a solution to fix this.
Thank you.

Best Answer by baliboo
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #128755

Laptop heats up quickly and shuts off while videos are run


To help with overheating always use the laptop on a flat surface.  Using it on a bed or soft surface keeps the laptop from getting the airflow that it needs.  Also, unplug the laptop as soon as it is done charging.   Make sure that your air vents are free from dust.  You can use aerosol air duster to remove dust from those vents.  If you are comfortable doing so, you can going into the BIOS and change the fan speed, CPU temperature and other settings. 

Answered By 590495 points N/A #128756

Laptop heats up quickly and shuts off while videos are run


Laptop heats up and overheat easily when computer is constantly in used. This also depends on where you use your laptop computer, the environment what computer gadgets you have.

To prevent this from happening, computer must have accessories that help computer cool down. Install air cooler, clean up laptop fan constantly, remove dust and the air vent should spin non-stop with out chirping sound.

Use your laptop when environment won't reach too much temperature laptop can handle. This gets laptop overheats fast. Turn it off and let it sit for a while and until laptop is ready to use again.

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