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Posted on - 09/24/2011
How can I secure my facebook recent activity? I don’t want my facebook friends to see and follow my activity? Can I Limit it to my chosen friends only? I tried to change settings but still when viewed by other friends my activity shows?
Limiting access to faceBook recent activity
Hi it is quite simple go to here you’ll see “Control Your Default Privacy. So, here you’ll see 3 things 1st one is Public 2nd one is Friends & 3rd one is Custom. Now follow these steps
1) You have to click on Custom a new box will appear.
2) Now click on There People or Lists.
3) Now you’ll see Friends of Friends
4) Friends.
5) Specific People or lists & only me.
Now if you click on only me no one will be able to see your activities on Facebook. If you choose specific People you may choose your certain friends to whom you wish to show your Facebook activities. I hope this may resolve your problem
Limiting access to faceBook recent activity
Log-in to your facebook account and click on the dropdown button located on the upper right hand of the page. Select Privacy Settings or simply click this link Facebook privacy setting tab. You will be redirected to a page like in the image below. Click on the Edit Settings on every category to ensure it meets your privacy standards. I have numbered them 1-5 on the attached image of this post. Once clicked, series of options will appear like Everyone, Only Friends, Friends of Friends or Only me.