I wanted to switch from wordpress to blogger because of some personal issues. I know that blogger is user friendly but they say that putting scripts like jquery to make your page dynamic is limited. I still want to use blogger and I'm wondering if we can apply jquery scripts in blogger template. Is it possible?Â
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Applying Jquery Script in blogger
Yes it is possible to add jquery scripts to your blogger. First of all, use search engine to find the jquery scripts you want to add. Use keywords jquery to blogger. these website will give you the script. After you find the scripts you want, copy and paste it to notepad, edit it until it fit with you want.
Now login to your blogger, then go to Design.
At Page Element click Add a Gadget. Then pick HTML/javascript gadget.
Insert the script in the body of gadget box, then Save
Place the new gadget to the position you like in your blog
Now save the blog design.
Take a look your script with click "View Blog"
Enjoy 🙂