I have a blog with a decent traffic. I get my traffic from search engine and other social sites. I'm planning to use this blog for me to earn extra income. I've heard that Google adsense is one of the best affiliate that I can use. How am I going to apply for an adsense account and what are the requirements?
How to apply for Google Adsense account
Google AdSense is really one of the ways to make money online. It is very simple to apply. You can search Google AdSense in Google then there will be choices, select the one with the sign-up. Then you will brought to another window. There you will be asked for your personal data and also your URL, and the language of your site.
When putting your personal data, be sure you put them correctly and follow the instructions on the application window.
AdSense required you to must be at least 18 years of age. Your website should have a good traffic, and avoid unlawful contents. A valid or working e-mail address, because they will going to send you mail there wither you were accepted or not. Especially a valid bank account, your right address, and it is not advisable to have an advertisement in your webpage before signing up for adsense.