Opening an MS Access file in a older version of MS Access

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A friend of mine created a database in MS Access 2007.  She asked me for some help and sent me the file to work on.  I have MS  Access 2000 on my computer and haven't been able to open the file.  Is there any way to open this file in version 2000.  Can these two versions interact with each other?

Best Answer by Victor.S
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Answered By 0 points N/A #81084

Opening an MS Access file in a older version of MS Access


Sorry but there is no way to open this file in MS Access 2000. Remember that MS Access 2000 and MS Access 2007 have different file types. A file saved in access 2000 can be viewed in access 2007 but vice versa is not possible.

To open the files in access 2000 do the following
1. Go to the top menu, click on File and select save as.
2. Now here is a drop down menu showing Save as Type. Select Access document 97-03 and save file. Now this file can be viewed in word 97.

If the file you received is already saved as Access 97-03 and still not opening. Then this file is definitely corrupt and nothing can be done to view it.

Answered By 0 points N/A #81085

Opening an MS Access file in a older version of MS Access



Hi Randy S.,

You cannot open this file in Access 2000. Remember, newer version can open older version file, but older version cannot open newer version file. You have to tell your friend Save as her file in Access 2000 format, and then resend it to you.

In order to do that, your friend follows these steps: click on Microsoft Office button > Save As > in Save the database in another format, choose Access 2000 Database

Hope this helps

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