ERROR_BAD_QUERY_SYNTAX 1615 The SQL query syntax is invalid or unsupported

Asked By 80 points N/A Posted on -

ERROR_BAD_QUERY_SYNTAX 1615 The SQL query syntax is invalid or unsupported.

I want to manipulate a .msi installer using MSI Database Open View but I received an error. Can this be diagnosed?

When invoking MixDatabaseOpenView, the process returns the error code 1615. This is an ERROR_BAD_QUERY_SYNTAX. This is the following data from calling MsiGetLastErrorRecord for more details and passing the resulting handle to MsiFormatRecord:

1: 2237

2: C:pathtomyinstaller.msi

3: INSERT INTO `ServiceInstall`

   (`ServiceInstall`,`Name`, `DisplayName`, `ServiceType`, `StartType`,

    `ErrorControl`, `LoadOrderGroup`, `Dependencies`, `StartName`,

    `Password`, `Arguments`, `Component_`, `Description` )


   ('ServiceInstall.ServiceName','ServiceName' ,'My Service' , 16 , 2 ,

    1 ,'' ,'' ,'' ,'' ,'' ,'C__E2E295F8B94A1C97F5DA47AACC498002' ,

    'My Service Description' )


2237- this is a windows installer error message number that corresponds to "Invalid or missing query string" consistent with ERROR_BAD_QUERY_SYNTAX.

However the query string seemed to be fine. It isn’t missing as the data is provided back from MsiGetLastErrorRecord, it follows the proper formatting, and columns match the valid columns. Any ideas on what may be causing this operation to fail and how it may be resolved?

Answered By 0 points N/A #193172

ERROR_BAD_QUERY_SYNTAX 1615 The SQL query syntax is invalid or unsupported


Hallo Allen,

The error you are getting could be occurring because of several reasons, some which are the following:

  • The installation source for this product is not available. You will therefore need to verify that the source exists and that you can access it.
  • This installation package cannot be installed by the Windows Installer service. If that is the case you will need to install a Windows service pack that contains a newer version of the Windows Installer service.




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