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0 points
Posted on - 06/14/2012
How to solve the problem “error 138 unable to access network”
While I am trying to download Google Chrome and some internet apps?
It also let me to do the system restore and saying the message restore incomplete. My OS Windows XP.
Error 138 unable to access network
Hi Msanwarh. The error “error 138 unable to access network” is most probably caused by your anti-virus installed on your computer like Norton, McAfee etc. The program is blocking your browser (ex. Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer etc) because the firewall on these anti-virus programs does not recognize your browser even if you have already added it to the list of permitted programs.
Here is a simple solution on how to fix this problem:
Click on Firewall or your Anti-virus Program
Go to Settings
Click on Program Permissions
Click Google Chrome or the browser you are having problems with, then click on Delete
Click on Add
Look for Google Chrome exe file or whatever browser you are using
Add the program and it should work
If still experiencing the same problem, you may want to try uninstalling your anti-virus program from your computer.
Error 138 unable to access network
Try to use another browser if it will works fine. Try also to check you internet connection. You normally encounter this error because some program blocking your from accessing the internet. So you need to off this feature in the settings of the software that blocking you. Anti virus and firewall are most programs that do this. You must configure those programs to allow browser or threat browser as trusted program to run. Configuring those settings depends on the what software (antivirus/firewall) you are using. You try to disable also the Peerblock then restart your computer. Try also to uninstall antivirus that you are using if you can stop it or configured it.
Answered By
0 points
Error 138 unable to access network
Kindly access the firewall settings and check whether your firewall software is blocking Google chrome. Another thing to check out for is that Google chrome is not using a proxy server other than Firefox and IE are using.
Another thing to consider is whether you McAfee has expired. If it has, it may be blocking Google chrome from accessing the net. This is because it no longer recognizes it.
To solve this problem:
a) Go to firewall – then settings – click on program permission – then click Google chrome and delete the button- then click and add the button – afterwards browse for the Google chrome.exe file.
Note: that this should be in your user folder>Apa Data>Local>Google>Chrome>Application. Add the program and your problem will be solved.
Error 138 unable to access network
This problem is occuring for internet connection problem or your anti-virus software creating problem to connect Chrome to the internet. Anyway, I have found a Techyv page which has provided many solution regarding this problem. Visit this page and get more info.
Google chrome says error unable to access network