How can I browse Mobile internet via PC

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

I am using Samsung champ-GT C3303i with Internet connection.  Problem is, I want to use my mobile net in my Lappy-Compaq Presario cq-45 with Windows-7 OS.  Alternatively I have installed NPS and Samsung Kies in my lappy, and tried many options but am not successful in connecting.

Every time I connect mobile via cable,  it is showing Connecting to PC  for a long time, but not connecting.  Also Bluetooth is unable to connect to mobile  while file sharing is possible through Bluetooth but not recognizing my mobile.

How can I connect my Mobile to PC to browse net in my Lappy, with Mobile as  a Modem?

Best Answer by Peter40
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #81437

How can I browse Mobile internet via PC


To attach your mobile to your computer you should have Samsung NPS 3.1. Download and install it and your device will be recognized.  Now I will tell you how to connect to the Internet.

By default Samsung Internet connector is disabled, so you should enable it first.

  • Click on widget setting and add internet connector.
  • Now click on internet connector. Anew window will open. Now click on menu and chose connection settings. Here a list of countries is given. Just select your country and you are done with it. Enjoy using internet on your laptop.
  • For more details see the images below.
Answered By 10 points N/A #81438

How can I browse Mobile internet via PC


Well !

Peter, I have gone through this already but the problem is that my mobile is not accepted by the laptop…It is not registering!

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