When I try to set up a thermocouple chore on a instrumentality, such as the PXIe-4353, which uses a CJC channelized on other instrumentation, I was greeted by the succeeding error notification:
Error -201426 occurred at DAQ Assistant
Possible Reason(s):
One or more devices do not support multi device tasks.Â
Device: PXI1Slot6
What do you thinks is the problem I am having now? Can someone help here.
Thanks a lot.
Error -201426 occurred at DAQ Assistant
Hi kristina,
The support for multi device task is a software feature that is not available with all the data acquisition device. To resolve the error, you need to change the device listed on that support multi task. The products families that supports these card are:
1. C series module in the same chassis
2. DSA data acquisition module
3. X Series data acquisition module
4. S Series and device
5. SC series express data acquisition module (exception module which use the Delta sigma ADC such as the PXle-4330 or the PXle 4331
The PXl -449x DSA module are capable of synchronizing with the PXle-4330 and PXle-4331