Commands in cloud computing for storage
The vCli commands which are used for the configuration of storage are listed below :
1. esxcli swiscsi session : It is used to manage iSCSI sessions
2. esxcli swiscsi nic : It is ised for managing iSCSI NICs
3. esxcli swiscsi vmknic : It is used to list all the VMkernel NICs which are available for binding to particular iSCSI adapter
4. esxcli swiscsi vmnic : It is used to list the available uplink adapters for use with a specified adapter
5. esxcli vaai device : It is used to display information about devices claimed by VMware VAAI( referred as vStorage APIs for Array integration) filter plugin.
6. esxcli corestorage device : It is used to list all the devices or plugins which are used in conjunction with hardware acceleration.
Commands in cloud computing for storage
The vCLI came from RCLI when vSphere was released and it stands for vSphere Command Line Interface.
It is a group of Perl scripts that gives the same interface to several of the famous “esxcfg-*” commands which are available in the typical ESX through the Service Console.
The vCLI is formally supported on Windows and Linux operating systems but there are users that were able to make it work on Mac OS X and Solaris. Below are some of the updated utilities available in vCLI 4.0:
Commands used for System Management
- vicfg-advcfg / esxcfg-advcfg
- vicfg-module / esxcfg-module
- vihostupdate [for ESX(i) 4.x+]
- vihostupdate35 [for ESX(i) 3.5]
- vmkuptime
Commands used for Network Management
- vicfg-route / esxcfg-route
- vicfg-vmknic / esxcfg-vmknic
- vicfg-vswitch / esxcfg-vswitch
Commands for Storage Management
- esxcli please visit for examples and explanations.
- vicfg-iscsi / esxcfg-iscsi
- vicfg-mpath / esxcfg-mpath
- vicfg-nas / esxcfg-nas
- vicfg-vmhbadevs / esxcfg-vmhbadevs
- vicfg-volume / esxcfg-volume – please visit VMFS recognized as a snapshot what to do? Exploring the next version of ESX for explanations.