I have a Joomla 1.5 website which is having 2000 crawl errors from duplicate url links. This is why I think that my website is using minimum efficiency. Need suggestions on how to remove duplicate url links.
Ways on how to remove duplicate url links?
In this case you may specify a canonical page. This is the preferred version of a set of pages with similar content. It helps in prioritizing the most useful page from all the pages with identical content.
You can specify a canonical link by adding a rel="canonical" link to the head section of each web page
For Ex you want to specify canonical link to the page http://abc.go.com/,
For this create a link element like this
<link rel="canonical" href="http://abc.go.com/" />
Add this link into the <head> section of all pages
The other way to prevent search engines to find duplicate URLs on your site is through OZTechnonical Plugin. This plugin is for joomla 1.5 only.
Laz Zebbena