Hi, I had downloaded Apple Quicktime player 7 and installed on my PC. But when I was installing apple QuickTime baixar plugins for it I got some errors? Where can I download it for free?
Download free and install Apple QuickTime baixar Plugins
Hello  Conley
I think the Quicktime boxer plugin comes along with Quicktime player. The plugin may not be installed correctly in your PC.
You can download it separately from web free of cost. Go to brothersoft.com  and download Quicktime boxer plugin , it's free and comes with latest updates.
Download free and install Apple QuickTime baixar Plugins
Hello Conley
Apple QuickTime baxiar plugin comes along with  Quicktime player.Possible reason of your problem is that plugin is not installed correctly. You can download it from web separately. All the site provides it free of cost. Go to brotheroft.com and download it and install. It will work correctly. The plugin comes with recent updates  from brothersoft.com.