Error in launching an untrusted application

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hello techyv,

I have just installed an application and created a launcher by right-click an item in the menu and then select "Add this launcher to desktop". The resulting launcher displays an icon that looks like it is for a text file.

When I click on it, I get this error message:


Untrusted application launcher

The application launcher “linux.desktop” has not been marked as trusted. If you do not know the source of this file, launching it may be unsafe.

The error describes that the application launcher has not been marked as trusted. The only option available is to click "Cancel".I am looking for some assistance to address this issue.


Answered By 10 points N/A #83887

Error in launching an untrusted application


In Linux when you create a shortcut you lose the right attributes on this file which are necessary to run this application. That is why you are having this problem. To solve this issue you should have rights on this file so that you are able to run and execute this file.. It is quite easy to solve this issue. Just run the following command and your problem will be solved:

sudo chmod ugo+rx *.desktop

This means that now you have rights to run and execute this file. And now you will not face any errors when you want to open this file.

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