Procedure on Aptana Studio Mac testing the code

Hi! Is anyone familiar with Aptana Studio MAC? Need an urgent help with this. I will appreciate if someone can give me the procedure on how to preview and test the code. Thanks

Hi! Is anyone familiar with Aptana Studio MAC? Need an urgent help with this. I will appreciate if someone can give me the procedure on how to preview and test the code. Thanks
Hello Armstrong,
You can find the documentation for Aptana Studio on the following link: Aptana Studio Documentation
You can do a search on the top left to find anything you want or you can browse the categories on the left. The Titanium Studio is basically an extension of Aptana Studio. With Titanium Studio you can do mobile and web development in a single IDE. The documentation for both of them is the same, as Titanium Studio is just an extension.
P Vhilary