I am trying to print a document that is written in MS Word 2010 and it contains multiple index fields. When I try to print it, it gives an error on all the index fields that "Error, bookmark not defined!". This is a very big document and contains thousands of index fields. What can I do to solve this issue? Is this a problem with the printer? I have tried to update the index just before printing but to no use. Please help.
MS Word error in printing, bookmark not defined.
 Hi Anthony!
  Printing problems in Microsoft Office Word 2010 can be related to particular documents and templates. You may have one or more documents that may not print or that cause some type of error message. Did you try to create a new document and print it? If you did, you might need to rename Normal.dot template or delete the Word.data key.
  If you still can't print maybe you need to reinstall the printer driver. Since you didn't write which Windows operating system you use, bellow you have all the troubleshooting problems explained in details, so follow the steps carefully. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/troubleshoot/word/print-failures-in-word;
 Regards, Mathew Tand