Hi experts,
I am now working with bubble menus CSS for making a speech bubble menu for my website. But now I have a problem with that.
Can you tell me how to auto size CSS speech bubble menu?
If anyone knows I would be grateful.
How to auto size bubble menus css.
Here I am attaching a code to solve the problem "How to auto size bubble menus CSS".
Follow these steps:
1. Open Notepad from Start > Programs > Accessories.
2. Type the above codes into it.
3. Save it.
4. Now open any Browser such as Internet Explorer / Mozilla Firefox etc.
5. Click on File->Open->Browse.
6. Select the filename.
7. Click Open.
8. Click Ok.
Your code will be executed.
Pattrickk White
How to auto size bubble menus css.
Hi.  Victoria Gaabriel ,
I want to say that you can try to the following process for your problem:-
Please try those steps outlined in this link. You can simply follow the steps as explanation is proper.
How to auto size speech bubble menu
 I hope that you can fix it by trying this procedure.
Thanks & Regards
Gillam Janetj