Theft Recovery Microchips: an added safety benefit?

Where can i buy some Theft Recovery Microchips?
Can only law enforcement officers and dealers track the location of my chip or am i at risk for other people to track my location down as well?

Where can i buy some Theft Recovery Microchips?
Can only law enforcement officers and dealers track the location of my chip or am i at risk for other people to track my location down as well?
This is really one of the gadgets that you might think of buying if you happened to have experienced being robbed once or maybe lost something and you really never found it.
For $99.95, you will be able to buy and register one [1] microchip to one of your particular device or gadget that you want be found in case got lost or stolen maybe.
These microchips rely on Radio Frequency Identification [RFID] to verify the ownership of the stolen or lost item.
This is the same kind of technology used in identifying lost pets.
For more information about this technology, you may visit here.