Recommend a program plot dat files in Linux ubuntu

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

I want to plot the .DAT files on my Ubuntu to the JPEG format, All the .DAT files are ready. Can someone recommend being an easy to use software or program to plot data files in Linux Ubuntu?

Answered By 0 points N/A #180980

Recommend a program plot dat files in Linux ubuntu


Hi Guy,

To plot the DAT files in Ubuntu I recommend using gnuplot. Gnu plot allows graphs of functions and data.
Here an example of how plot a data file organized in columns separated by spaces:
gnuplot > plot "force.dat" using 1:2 title 'Column'.
As you can see Gnuplot is a command line program. But you can also use PlotDrop,
Which front ends to supports dropping of data files on GNOME and KDE. Or to use all the features you could use Octave gnuplot the counterpart of Matlab on Linux. 
DAT files in Ubuntusupports dropping of data files on GNOME and KDE
Hope it help.
Kay Sheri.

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