Why is my HTC one M8 fail to connect to Google service? I log out of Google account on my HTC m8 android phone recently and when tried to log in to access Google play, the phone fail to connect to Google services. I taught it was due to internet connection, but the smartphone can access other website except Google. How can I fix this problem?
HTC one M8 failed to connect to Google service.
Hello Edith J Tucker,  HTC M8 is the latest mobile phone launched by HTC. This phone is launched with lots of feature but still like other smartphone, It is not a perfect phone. There are many problems in this handset. If you are not able to connect Google services then make sure that your account is synchronized and signin in with Google play services. Also ensure if you are using WiFi network, Then switch to Internet service provider and analyze the results.
HTC one M8 failed to connect to Google service.
You need to clear the user data of the Google services. Just go to the setting application manager and the all application. Then open the Play store and remove all the user data and force stop the app. Then go to google service and remove all the user data and force stop the app.
If the problem is not solved restore the mobile and it will fix this automatically.