I need your help. I would like to know if what is more reliable to use.
Is PS/2 Optical Mice is more reliable than USB Optical Mice?
If I plug both device in a single PC which of the two has a higher speed of transmitting data to the computer system motherboard.
USB Optical Mouse VS PS/2 Optical Mouse
There is a little difference in terms of speed, with the USB has the upper hand with the PS2 but it is so little that when you actually test both at the same time, there is no way you'll notice it. Also PS2 is much cheaper than the USB type mouse, same goes for the keyboard. There are also some PCs that crashes when the PS2 is unplugged or plugged but it is reduced nowadays, while the USB will still perform and connects even if its unplugged the replugged again. Of course the USB has what you call in the BIOS set up Legacy free.
USB Optical Mouse VS PS/2 Optical Mouse
Hello Dear,
Both mice work the same, but the PS2 mouse is more reliable than the USB. The USB port is not designed for mice, but the PS2 Port is designed only for mice.
As we can see in the data transferring system, USB mice have a faster data transfer rate than PS2 mice, but some applications are not supported on the USB mouse. If we run some applications that take use more of the CPU, this means that those applications will make the system busy and the function of USB mouse will be disturbed. The arrow will move slowly, and sometimes it will stack during movement.
I suggest you only use a PS2 Mouse, because it is more reliable and powerful. Thanks.