I am trying to run a 32 Bit program compiled on Windows 7 PC using VS2012/C++/OpenCV2.4.9 on a Windows XP PC and I get the following error box after executing the .exe on the WinXP PC. The procedure entry point GetTickCount64 count not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll."
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Need Help Running OpenCV on Windows XP
This problem is related to coding the program. Inside the code, something must be changed especially those which are related to “GetTickCount64” as it doesn’t exist in Windows XP.
In order to fix this issue,
1. Go to Project Properties >> C/C++ >> Preprocessor >> Preprocessor Definitions.
2. Change the value of “WINVER” and “_WIN32_WINNT” according to this MSDN blog.
Otherwise, you can change the value of “WINVER” and ““_WIN32_WINNT” from “resource.h”.
Now, the program should run perfectly on WinXP.
Need Help Running OpenCV on Windows XP
Yes, the previous post is correct. The reason why you have this error after compiling your program in Windows 7 is that in Microsoft Windows XP the file “GetTickCount64” doesn’t exist. And if you have this file on your Windows 7, surely you cannot copy it to Windows XP because that will never work because of different version.
When compiling your application, you must include the correct WINVER and _WIN32_WINNT values. If you don’t know the WINVER value for Windows XP, please visit Using the Windows Headers. This page lists the WINVER values for all Microsoft Windows versions. To define these values, you should put it in the “resource.h” file:
#define WINVER 0x0501
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501