Ways on how to split pst in outlook

Hi there! Someone here knows how to split PST in Outlook? I want to make my files smaller so that my Outlook would run faster. Please help. Thanks in advance.

Hi there! Someone here knows how to split PST in Outlook? I want to make my files smaller so that my Outlook would run faster. Please help. Thanks in advance.
Dear Samantha,
Yes, you can split your large outlook pst file. It is true that if your Outlook file becomes large then your outlook show slow work performance. So you could easily split your Outlook file using these methods: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/932086/you-may-experience-performance-problems-when-you-are-working-with-item. Sometime these methods does not work due to outlook file size is too large, So I would like to recommended try third party software as such stellar phoenix pst file splitter which helps to split your outlook pst file by date, size, mail id and folder.
Yes you can do it easily by ms outlook archiving feature. What you have to do is to run it more than one time. For example if you have 5 years of data and you want to make 5 sets of PST. You have to run it five times.It will definitely increase ms outlook performance.
Go to file and click archive.
Now archive your files as you want.
Any date and location can be set and files can be saved to any location. By repeating this process you can archive all your PST data.