Copy MS office into External Hard drive

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


I have an external hard drive of 500GB.I can install programs and other external store to hard drive, whenever I copy the full folder of MS Office from my internal hard drive. I had installed it before misplaced the CD. Can I copy any files which are related to MS Office into my internal hard drive?

Best Answer by Arnold Max
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Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #84981

Copy MS office into External Hard drive



Copy and paste method will not able to work when we comes to Microsoft office. If you have the serial key you can download office setup from internet. then using same serial key you can install office.

Alternatively what you can do is you can create a system image and copy it to external hard disk and one day if you want to use the office package from external hard disk you can restore the image to your computer and you can work from it. but it has to be your same system.

thank you

Answered By 0 points N/A #84982

Copy MS office into External Hard drive



I have read your question and search Google for answers and come up with the solution to your problem.

Inorder to transfer MS Office related programs from your external and into your internal, or vice versa, you must copy all the folders from MS Office, it's registry data and its operating system. in other words you must clone the entire operating system and all of the system data in your computer or machine.

These are the steps on solving your problem.

Step 1. Connect your external hard drive into you PC or machine

Step 2. Download Norton Ghost. you can download it here

Norton Ghost enables you to clone your entire hard drive

Step 3. Install your newly downloaded Norton ghost and when Norton ghost start click ghost advance

Step 4. On the right side, click clone

Step 5. Now select your source hard drive (this is your external drive) and then select where you want to put you MS office ( this will be your PC or machine)

Step 6. Read the notice and then click next

Step 7. Click next again to confirm

Step 8. Review your selection in the task summary and make sure that they are all correct

Step 9. Click RUN NOW and your PC will now restart

Step 10. Wait for it to finish cloning your external drive and your PC will reboot when cloning is done

Step 11. Check your drive in PC and check if it cloned you system and check you MS Office.

Step 12. DONE


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