My blog is being redirected to my contributor profile

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

I have a blog name www. (webin coming) . While visiting my blog I saw my blog is being redirected to another URL ‘’.

I did not redirected my blog. But, my blog had a link to my contributor profile. I deleted this link afterwards.

There is no reason to infiltrate as this blog is redirected to my own contributor profile.

I did not find any part of redirected URL present on HTML page of my blog. I sought answer of this problem. But I did not find.

At last, I deleted my blog. And I opened a new blog with the same address and copied all contents to new blog.

I suffered much. I am still anxious about the former problem.

If that occurs again I have to again delete my blog and open a new one.

Why this problem occurred and what is the solution?

Answered By 15 points N/A #86228

My blog is being redirected to my contributor profile


This problem could be as a result of the changes you on your template.

Try looking up the following piece of code in your template and see if you can find the URL to which your blog is directed to:

<script type="text/javascript"><!–//–><![CDATA[//><!–
var url = "URL to which your blog is being directed"
(document.images) ? location.replace(url) : location.href = url;


You can opt to remove the URL if you find it or redirect it to another URL of your choice. But before you make any changes to your template, it is always good practice to make a backup copy of it just in case the changes come with problems.

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