This table shows the comparison of the different browser for compatibility of video feature of HTML 5. Which IE version supports the html 5 video feature? What do we mean by the term " HTML 5 is best supported with IE"?
Do IE supports HTML5? What do we actually mean by this term?
Hi dear,
Your question is much interesting because it is about two different supportive things and also it has some little bit comparison to other subjects like browsers. So regarding your question the term IE means or it stands for internet explorer and one another term HTML5 is used for to build web pages to run their sites by using these tags.
HTML5 is an audio tag which is mostly used by webmasters and most of the users for different audios. Like audio one of most exciting and using video on HTML5 is in these days in the web circles to get more satisfaction and reliability. It solved a big issue of different site owners and designers to get more efficient and effective work or output.
For example internet explorer 8 supports to HTML5Â in two applications like one is cross-document messaging and another is non-SQL storage. Where as internet explorer 8 does not perfect for HTML5 to passing algorithm or some other new elements. One another thing is it also bug fixes which align it better with HTML5. So it does not support for all purposes.
Do IE supports HTML5? What do we actually mean by this term?
That table shows that internet explorer have the lowest quality of all those browser. Yes its true but it is not acceptable now. I don’t know that table made based on which internet explorer. May be it is based on that internet explorer which comes with windows XP by default.
Now internet explorer has updated much more than before. So that table is not acceptable for now. Latest version of internet explorer is internet explorer 8.
It is the best and it has all of those supports. You can download it from Microsoft website. It will take some money. You also can find it in other website for free.