How to recover some shortcuts created in USB?

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

There are some shortcuts created in some files in this USB but they are not detected as virus, can they be recovered?

And why are they not detected as virus when affected by a virus?

Best Answer by Alber grower
Answered By 75 points N/A #87528

How to recover some shortcuts created in USB?


They are not affected by the virus.  You can recover those shortcuts.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #87529

How to recover some shortcuts created in USB?


It depends on whether you have created the shortcut in the USB or the USB and the computer that it was inserted into before have created those shortcuts, without any user manipulation.

If the user is the one who created those, then there is no problem in this and it can be declared that the USB is still functioning properly.

In case it is a virus, do the possible solutions below:

Solution 1

  • Scan the USB device with an Antivirus software and let it assess if there really is a virus inside your USB. 

Solution 2

  • Format the USB drive but be sure to make a backup of your most important files in the USB. This will give you a fresh USB virus free. But always be careful before putting back some of your files.

Hope this answers your question.

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