Chart that will show the percentage on a photograph

I want to create a chart that will show the percentage on a photograph. Can it be done in MS-Excel? Or suggest me any substitute.

I want to create a chart that will show the percentage on a photograph. Can it be done in MS-Excel? Or suggest me any substitute.
You can easily create chart that will show the percentage on a photograph using Ms Excel. I am telling you how can you easily create a chart on MS excel without. It’s very simple, just follow the instruction.
Step 1: select data want to make chart.
Step 2: Click on Chart Wizard button on the toolbar to open Chart Wizard
Step 3: When you open the wizard the column chart type is selected, you can easily choose another chart type. But column chart type is commonly used to compare items.
Step 4: Now click on finish button at the bottom of the wizard.
Your task is completed.
Yes, you are able to create a chart which will show the percentage.
First I will take as an example a table which includes data with that will show the percentages.
In Microsoft Excel you can create verity of charts which is suitable for a given situation.
Click on the insert tab. Then you can see some of chart type that we can use in charts option.
I am choosing “Pie” type of chart in this scenario.
First select the whole table except total row and click on the “Pie” chart type.
I will select first category under 2D-Pie section and click on that.
Then the pie chart will be shown.
In that pie chart right click on the circle and click on the Add data labels.
Then the values of each category sales will be shown as follows.
Now right click on the circle again and click on format data labels.
Then tick on the percentage check box and close the window.
Now you can see the percentage on the chart as you expect.