What is the easiest programming language?

Flash is regular for making games configured for the net. You are able to in addition utilize Javascript in some cases, but that would be uncommon.
C++ is quite normal for quite escalated gameplay receivable to its for the most part exhibition on the grounds that its assembled. Portions on why C++ is a great decision for asset-concentrated requisitions are everywhere on the net.
C# and .NET in general is beginning to addition some ground with the developing ubiquity of the XNA skeleton, which permits you to make games and alternate graphical provisions opposite the PC and Xbox all in all effortlessly.
On the less normal side of things, I have viewed games made in Python and C. Not a large number of different dialects are utilized frequently for game programming.
Independently, I see C++ is the easiest and best way to start game developing.
Since I’m not sure if you really want to create a game or you simply want to learn how to use a programming language to possibly create your own sample game. And since you are a beginner, C++ is definitely not the one for you. It would be a bad start for beginners to create a game using this language if you don’t already know how to use it. That also goes to C as well besides C++.
These are good programming languages but you need to study them first before you can actually use them. You can, in fact, use any types of programming languages to create a game. It’s your own way of creating the codes and going around some loops to create your game. If you really want to design one you must learn how to use even one particular language. Like for example, Battlefield 2 as well as Battlefield 1942 was designed using Python. There are also ones that use Assembly Language on some parts of their game. The whole process is really a combination of different programming languages that results in one unique game.
My heartfelt gratitude goes to the Techyv experts who worked hard under tremendous time constraints. Guys all of your comments were excellent but exclusively Sharath your comment conquered my mind because I am interested to create a game but by checking your comment thoroughly I have learned that without knowing of programming language I can’t reach my goal. I realized also that it is so very important to know about the basics in programming so that I can excel easily and enhance my knowledge. So, thanks again Sharath for your valuable advice and links which are really helpful for me in my quest to be a good programmer.