Having trouble charging the battery

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Any help would be much appreciated.

I have a new Blackberry Curve 9300 and I just noticed that even after waiting for a long time for the charging to finish, the battery level never reaches 100%.

I've tried it a couple of times already.

I'll plug it in, the little charging bolt is there, still it never reaches maximum, It only reaches about 95% and that's it.

Does anyone know why this happens?


Best Answer by technicalgeek
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Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #87862

Having trouble charging the battery


It is a common issue and know to everyone that the batteries after using some time its efficiency decreases. And it will charge to 95% or what and the same in the using that and this what the difference between the new and used batteries. When you bought a new battery it will work for a long time but after using some time it will not work as it was working in the past.

The electronic devices what are used in the battery has a lifetime. For example diode, capacitor etc. they are working for some time properly but when their life time completed then its efficiency decrease.

So you will have care for further use of your battery and keep it least 10 minimum charge at all the time don't go behind this limit.


Answered By 15 points N/A #87863

Having trouble charging the battery


Hi this is jimmy toy,

I know the solution of your problem. It is not a big issue which you have faced and so much worried about. One thing i would like to tell you there can be a problem from your side like it is depending on how you charge the battery. Either you provide it good quality voltage or not, should you plug it properly.

While charging some precautions should be measured. In these check here that, must be very securely connected the USB cable to the device and  to USB port also.

Now connect your device to an another USB port of your computer. While you are installing the Desktop Software for blackberry from the original CD that you bring with your mobile when you buy it. Also correct form of USB drivers should be installed in a proper way.

Keep in mind that the Desktop software should be downloaded from the site of blackberry. Before or during this must be verified that  your computer not be hanged or hibernate or not even in sleep mode. One thing keep in mind that there are some USB hubs those are not provided maximum power.

So must be plug the hub into the power outlet and also reconnect your device. Now it will work properly mean charging will be occurring.

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