Asked By
70 points
Posted on - 10/07/2011
I am a fool man when I see any subject or unknown word . Somethig are known and
something are unknown . Everything are not known to all . I do not know Active Directory .
Where it's discover and when and what for ? Many question in my mind . Actually
everybody knows about Active Directory ?
Answered By
0 points
Unknown to me what is Active Directory
Active Directory is considered as a Directory service or also as a Database service, basically it means that you will concentrate on making an hierarchy-overview of your company so that you will be able to maintain everything and make your system and network run well. The main purpose behind it is to make easier the process of maintaining your company network , the security aspects of your company and defines how to share the hardware of your company; This technique was included with Microsoft server product since Windows 2000. Here you will find further information about the subject
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hope this helps!