Asked By
0 points
Posted on - 10/07/2011
If the performance or "speed" of a computer network is normally measured in units of bits per second (bps). This quantity can represent either an actual data rate or a theoretical limit to available network bandwidth.
What will the related units of Kbps represent?
How Network Performance Is Measured?
This kbps represents numbers of data you have downloaded and uploaded in the web server. This can be computed by the use of either kbps, Mbps of GBytes. This is automatically computed by your Internet Service Provider to track the usage of your Internet. There are a number of ISPs that allow their subscriber to use the Internet with unlimited bytes usage. While others provide limits of downloaded file up to the data they have subscribed.
You can also check the Internet usage, numbers of bytes alloted and downloaded by logging into the internal settings of your modem or router. You will see the numbers of data used in a certain date and time. But the best way to know is to call your Internet service provider and ask them the bytes used in a day.
Answered By
lee hung
75 points
How Network Performance Is Measured?
You can measure the performance of the networks, by simply analyzing measured data in the networks. It can be typically done using the statistical methods like the averaging and the Dispersion Variability. Each form of analysis has strengths and weaknesses and then it can measure the performance of the network at various levels and can be implemented in various ways using various tools.Â
Networks can measure in speed, it can read the rating of the network and the bandwidth use for the data carrying capacity or the frequency of the band width of the network.