Typing with a mind-reading computer

Asked By 50 points N/A Posted on -

I came across an article that researcher have created a system wherein you can type words just by thinking it.  Can this also help doctors verify patients whose body are already dead but still have a functioning brain and probably get answers from them?

Best Answer by Pratu Santr
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Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #136673

Typing with a mind-reading computer


Hello McKinney,

Thank you first for your curiosity on technology. The process of mind typing is now possible with the help of EEG (electro encephalogram). You may know about EEG as this is a well known medical term. Here the brain waves from EEG is translated into language. You may know famous scientist Stephen Hawkings use this technology to talk. For talking with body dead but brain alive people this technology so is applicable. But if you want to use the technology on people in coma, then it is not. Because you know coma is totally a alien state to scientists.


Answered By 40 points N/A #136674

Typing with a mind-reading computer


Hi Mckinney,

Thank you for that very interesting and knowledgeable question.

I have searched on the net and this very helpful to doctors to get answers from people who are physically dead but mentally alive. But this takes a long process to do.



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