I need freeware Mac converting PDF to dwg file tool

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I have a pdf file that I need to convert to dwg file so I could import it to an AUTOCAD program.  I need a software for my MAC with OSx Mountain Lion that could retain the formatting and images.  Is there a freeware tool in Mac converting pdf to dwg files?

Answered By 30 points N/A #163610

I need freeware Mac converting PDF to dwg file tool



Hi Johnny,
You can convert your PDF to DWG directly in AutoCAD, choosing the option Insert>OLE object. Select Create new and choose Adobe Acrobat Document from the list. Once your PDF is inserted you can use it normally. 
If you are looking for a complete conversion, you will need a third party software to do that. I'd recommend you to use PDF to DWG converter plugin for AutoCAD or some of the available online services like http://www.convertpdftoautocad.com.

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