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0 points
Posted on - 10/12/2011
I work in computer many hours per day. I use Winff software from long time but recently there is error message appears many times. Error message “C:Users(name)AppDataRoamingWinffcfg.xml(1,1) Error: Expected element”. I installed it again but still the same problem. So please anyone tell me what is the problem and how to fix it.
Answered By
0 points
Error message in Winff software
This kind of software often has a handful of little problems that can cause big issues and completely stop the program correct execution. This error is a little more problematic than most errors because, as you found out, even if you reinstall the program the error still persists. The cause of this error is an obscure file problem. Luckily, it is a very easy error to fix. To fix this error you need to go to C:Users(USERNAME)AppDataRoamingWinff. At this location you should delete the cfg.xml file. Once this file is deleted you should be able to use Winff again with no errors.
Error message in Winff software
Hi Mowriyah,
As the error is stating that there is an expected element which is causing this error to appear. It's pretty obvious that the file is cfg.xml so in order to fix this you have to remove that file. Just try to close winff and then go to C:UsersUsernameAppDataRoamingwinff and remove the cfg.xm file. And then restart the program and see if it works. If it doesn't, try to remove Winff and then reinstall it back.