System Restrictions When Opening Links

I tried to open a hyperlink in Excel but gets the message
Operation has been cancelled due to system restrictions contact system administrator
What does this mean?

I tried to open a hyperlink in Excel but gets the message
Operation has been cancelled due to system restrictions contact system administrator
What does this mean?
One possible cause of this is upgrading your current Internet Explorer to a higher version. Maybe from IE6 to IE7 or IE7 to IE8.
There are possible ways to solve this issue. Make sure you are the administrator of that computer.
To know if you are the administrator of that computer. Follow these steps:
Click on the start button.
Select Control Panel.
Select User Accounts and Family Safety.
Select User accounts.
On the right side you should see your name with an account icon and a description. It's the word "Administrator" is seen, then you are an administrator for this account. Otherwise, it "Standard user" is seen. You are not an administrator and you need to log in as a different user with administrator rights.
If this solves your problem, ignore the next steps please. If this does not solve it then please proceed.
I can recommend two ways to troubleshoot this issue.
1. You can install Google Chrome or any third party browser and have it as the default browser. Restart the computer and then try to click the links in your excel.
2. Second is to reset your Internet Explorer to default Settings.
Job Jacob
Normally, if you don’t have other web browsers on your computer the default browser would be Internet Explorer. When you follow a hyperlink in Microsoft Office Excel it will generally open Internet Explorer to open the link. But if you received an error after this restricting you from opening the link then that means your network administrator configured Internet Explorer to not open any websites.
This is normally done on schools and offices to restrict the students and personnel from doing unnecessary things online and wasting time. You can follow the steps in the previous post to check the configuration of Internet Explorer and change it if possible. But if not, you can try by installing another web browser on your computer.
You can install browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome, Maxthon, Safari, and others. But in case you still can’t open the website after installing a new browser, check the hosts file in the system drive. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to “C:WINDOWSsystem32driversetc”. Open “hosts” file with notepad and check if the website you are opening is listed inside.
If the site is listed in the file, simply delete the entire line where the website is listed, save the file, and close it. Restart your computer and you should be able to open that website again.