I am trying to forward proxy in-front of my VPN client and i get this wired error talking about network connection was aborted by the local system with an error code of 0x800704D4. What is the cause of this problem and how can it be fixed? I really need help here.
What causes a network connection was aborted by the local system error?
The main cause of this problem is when the hostname of your VPN server cannot be resolved by the forward proxy infront of the VPN client. The solution to this problem is right here and this is how we go about solving the problem.
Just check your proxy setting in your browser and make sure they are correct. If you are able to access other websites then fine. Also try to access the URI that SSTP uses internally, if you see and error that the website cannot be found inside your browser, then that validates the hostname resolution failure. Try connecting with the IP address of your VPN server if you know the IP. Else contact your administrator who is responsible for proxy management for them to look into your problem.
What causes a network connection was aborted by the local system error?
The full error reads “0x800704D4: The network connection was aborted by the local system”. If you receive this error, one possible cause is your firewall not allowing the correct ports. If you are using third-party firewall, try opening the ports required by your VPN client manually.
Check your VPN’s manual or the help section to know what ports are required or what port number your VPN client requires to access. Also, if your computer is configured to use DHCP, try setting it up with a static IP address so you can easily forward ports on your router.