SAP on the Cloud the same as Cloud computing?

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

SAP recently announced they will do their work on the cloud. Will this be the same as Cloud computing for other products. It will be easier to do it through cloud computing?

Answered By 0 points N/A #130115

SAP on the Cloud the same as Cloud computing?




To answer your first question, yes, when SAP announced that they will have their products on the cloud, it means cloud computing.

Just for a backgrounder, ‘cloud’ in cloud computing basically means the Internet. And cloud computing spans from software, hardware, platform and infrastructure taken as a service (through the internet).

Thus users are only paying for what they consume. This is more cost efficient compared to traditional investments in hardware, storage, software, etc.

For SAP’s part, their cloud services are mostly software solutions for enterprises that help them track their business in many aspects of their operations. By utilizing SAP’s cloud-based solutions, a business’ corporate data will be device agnostic – executives can access their data and business management and tracking tools through a PC, laptop, tablet or mobile device.

So, yes, SAP’s cloud solutions offer more convenience and cost-efficiency.

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