Hello, I just want to know what difference did it make on your iPhones when you did the iOS 6.1 upgrade. Is there no any problems encountered so far? I read in the latest news that there are some problems encountered by the users after upgrading like slow connection, excessive battery use, poor new applications, etc. Does everyone have these issues?
Your problems encountered with iOS 6.1 upgrade
Hello My Dear Friend,
You are listening to the right news about it. The iOS upgrade has many problems. One of my friends told me about this problem so I did a research about it and found some statements such as this:
According to Mac Rumors, Vodafone UK warned against upgrading the 4s to iOS 6.1, and to wait for the next fixed Apple 3G version.
In this case, it is advisable to wait for next fixed version, and to not upgrade to iOS 6.1. The current upgrade version will rapidly drain the battery, and randomly dim the screen to its lowest brightness level. Some users also encounter problems randomly occurring when answering calls.
There is a very good article written about it. You might want to read this to understand this problem better.
Hope this will help you.