OSD Task Sequence has failed

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


OSD Task Sequence has failed with the error code 0x00000001 Task Sequence has failed with the error code 0x00000001 when running Task Sequence in WinPE mode. I tried to search the solution to fix this error but couldn’t find a resolution. Have you any idea to resolve this error? Waiting for the solution.


Error: Task Sequence: Re-Build x86-Newbuild has failed with the error code (0x00000001). For more information, please contact your system administrator or helpdesk operator.

Answered By 15 points N/A #176402

OSD Task Sequence has failed


Hi Laurine,

The error is because the task sequence has a task in WinPE to install a software.
To resolve this error follow the steps below:
1) If an application need to run in WinPE two options are possible as follows:
a) If the app is small or a command line, then add it to boot image. Create a task to execute command line
b) Do a XCOPY of the package source to the local drive, add a task to execute the application from command line
2) After performing any of these options, the error will be resolved

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