MS Access programming related question
I have ongoing project in MS Access that I need to put relationship between 3 tables. How can I put relationship in these 3 tables?
I have ongoing project in MS Access that I need to put relationship between 3 tables. How can I put relationship in these 3 tables?
Hello Dear,
Please follow the steps:
1. Choose the tables. You can press F11 to go to database window
2. Select relationship from table menu. If it is not seen, then select show table and then select RELATIONSHIP at relationship menu
3. You have to add the table 3 times
4. Now, please drag the field holding ctrl key and then relate with other fields
5. Now you have to create relationship. Select create relationship button
6. Repeat these steps three times
7. You can also set your relationship as many as you want by doing this steps
Thanks for having your time