How to extract portions from a .mp4 or .mp3?

Asked By 60 points N/A Posted on -

I need to extract some portions from a video as well as an audio file. I'm currently working on a project which requires a lot of video clips and audio clips but I only have long ones. I need to extract small parts. Which software can be used to do so?

Answered By 0 points N/A #192231

How to extract portions from a .mp4 or .mp3?

Well, you've two different files here .mp4 and .mp3 from which you want to extract some portion. 
One of the easiest and best option is windows own software known as 'Movie Maker'. It splits both audio and video, you can extract your desired portion by deleting other extra or unwanted portion. 
Open file in movie maker. 
Split the desired part form remaining, for this click on the starting point and press 'CTRL + L' similarly click on the ending point and press 'CTRL + L'. Select the part and press 'CTRL + C' to copy.
Open new window in Movie Maker and press 'CTRL + V' to paste.
Save your file.
Delete the remaining part by selecting it and pressing 'DELETE' key on your keyboard and save it.
Another option is by using 'Audacity'. You can download it online for free, but it can only extract audio files not video. 
Simply open your audio file in audacity. 
Highlight/select the required potion, press CTRL + C to copy 
Open new window and press CTRL + V to paste,
Save the file. 

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