Hello, I’m new to graphic designing. I want a good landing page but want to know what concepts to consider when building it.  What are some good concepts to building a perfect landing page graphic design? I also wanted to know what are some good tips to consider optimization of loading?
Concepts for landing page graphic design
Hi John,
A landing page is an important part of a website. You send all your traffic (for example through email marketing) to this landing page. However, making one is not an easy task. Careful consideration must be given, otherwise your whole effort may be pointless.
You can follow the tips below to ensure you have an awesome landing page:
1. Get the visitor to click to go to another page.
2. Get the visitor to buy.
3. Get the visitor to give permission for you to follow up by email, phone etc.
4. Get the visitor to tell a friend.
5. Get the visitor to comment or give you some sort of feedback.
Hope these tips will help you.