Common Event Handlers in HTML

Asked By 320 points N/A Posted on -

What are the common event handlers in HTML? How can we change images using event handlers? Further can we change the height and width of the resulting picture?

Answered By 75 points N/A #107231

Common Event Handlers in HTML


Hi Sarah,

There are quite a number of event handlers that you can use in html. There are those that you use on in the following events:

when you click the mouse – the event handler is called 'onMouseclick'

those that you use for loading web pages or images

those that you used when you hover the mouse over a hot spot or on a web page link/url

those for selecting an input link while using a html form and those for submitting html forms

others are used for keystrokes

Some of the examples of the event handlers are: onAbort, onBlur, onClick, onMousemove. Find more examples of the event handlers and how and when they are used by accessing the link below:

Hope this helps.




Lee Hung.

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