Hi. I hope anyone can help me with my problem. I tried establishing a connection to a MySQL server by choosing a connection profile, but it's when this error alert shows up:
MySQL Query Browser Error
Could not connect to the specified instance.
MySQL Error Nr.2003
Can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘’ (10060)
If you want to check the network connection, please click the Ping button.
OK Ping
Attached below is the screenshot of the error message.
Problem Occur while Establishing MySQL Server
Dear Janice Emond,
I have read your inquiry and the above error nr. 2003 states that the network connection has been refused for some reason. What you should do now is to try and see if the MySQL server is running and has the above IP address. To do this you can click on the Ping button. If it is successful check to see if the port you are using to connect to it is the same as the server's and open, accepting incoming connections on the server-side. If you have a firewall running check to see if it is blocking the connection to the server.
All of the above steps and a lot more detailed information exist on the MySQL development site: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/can-not-connect-to-server.html
I hope this will help you regarding your problem.