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Posted on - 10/21/2011
Hello TechyV users!
Help please! I've already reinstalled Outlook two times but I keep getting this annoying error! I'm afraid if I try again my computer will hang up. Besides, I think it will just give me the same error again. Any suggestions to fix this? Any idea will help, thank you!
This application has failed to start because MSVCR80.ll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.
Error on MS Outlook Installation: Outlook.Exe – Unable to Locate Component
Well Just for you information msvcr80.dll is Microsoft C runtime library and is needed to run programs using Visual studio 2005. Location of file is C:windows
Error shows up when you try to install or run an application and also when one starts and shut downs system. This is because of the deleted or corrupted msvcr80.dll file.
To solve issue
1) Download msvcr80.dll from various dll download sites and put it back to the windows folder. Also check recycle bin if has deleted file and you can just restore it to solve problem.
2) Update the drivers as some of them are related to msvcr80 and while updating you can get the dll file, you can use driver finer or easy driver to scan for the drivers which need update.
3) Scan your whole system for malwares, Trojans, adwares because generally they are the ones who mess up with dll files.
4) Get a registry cleaner software and scan registry to fix all the issues and then try to install the out look