Asked By
0 points
Posted on - 10/21/2011
I am having problems with my computer. It keeps on freezing upon loading Windows. No blue screen error, it just stops on responding. Just a week ago, it will continue to work after freezing when restarted the system. But the last few days is a total mess. It froze for many times now. Sometimes, it will take me 2 or 3 consecutive restarts to make it work.
Other times it has beeping noises inside of it when trying to restart and then it will work just fine. I run a memory test using memtest86. It passed and I did not receive any errors even when testing the hard drive itself. My computer drivers are up to date and there is no newly installed software or hardware that can cause issues.
There are no viruses found also. Way back, I encountered the same problem and it was because of PSU that is too low on power so I tried to change it with a Corsair PSU that is 650W. So I don't think that it will also be the problem now. What could be the possible problem? Please help.
Computer freezes after startup always
Check your video card since you haven't checked it yet. I once fix a computer with faulty NVIDIA GeForce video card which is an onboard video card. It exhibits untimely restarts on the computer and occasional system freezing. I uninstalled the video card’s driver so the system only uses Windows’ primary video driver. That’s how I found the video card problem.
In your case, try uninstalling your video card’s driver so your system will only use Windows’ primary video driver. The icons will obviously look much bigger and some dialog boxes may seem hard to fit in the screen. Try observing if your computer will still exhibit sudden system freezing.
If your computer stops freezing, try upgrading the video card’s driver in the internet or just replace the video card. But upgrade first its driver so you can make sure if it’s the driver or the hardware. If the upgrade didn’t fix the problem then you can now continue on replacing the video card with a new one.
Answered By
lee hung
75 points
Computer freezes after startup always
Hi Shifta,
Are there any changes that you might have done to your computer like installing new software or installing updates? If yes, then some of the changes you may have made are causing the problems. I will advice in this case that you run the system restore utility and remove the certain program that is causing the system to malfunction.
To run the system restore utility, you just click on start and then trace it from the list of programs, then press enter. You will thereafter choose the restore point and then click on restore.
Another possible cause of the same problem could be that your system is running on low memory. Just check to ensure that indeed the memory is big enough.
Hope this helps.
Lee Hung.