Hi my friends, I am using ntbackup multiple files. Suddenly I fall in one problem that I can not find the location the log file using ntbackup with command line. Who can tell me the about ntbackup multiple files problem?
How I can solve my ntbackup multiple files problem?
Hi Anthony,
Unfortunately, the Ntbackup.exe does not have a command-line parameter that will tell the location of the logs once it is done.  That log is saved in the profiles folder of the particular user who did the backup.
You may view the logs by selecting Report on the Tools menu in Backup. Then the respective Backup##.log files can be seen in the following location:
"Documents and SettingsUser_NameLocal SettingsApplication DataMicrosoftWindows NTNTbackupData"
I hope this helps.
Luis I Adams
How I can solve my ntbackup multiple files problem?
Hello, Anthony
Hope you are fine.  I can suggest you an article  about the description of the parameters available with ntbackup .In this article you will see several examples of how to perform a backup using the command line.
Find A to Z about ntbackup using command line in Microsoft Support.
 Hope you will get your answer.